
Brakbricks BricksetAPI

A typescript library for Brickset API V3

See https://brickset.com/article/52664/api-version-3-documentation

This implementation follows the API documentation, so methods of the client match those described in the documentation from brickset.

It maps date strings from the API response to Javascript Date objects.

Obtain an API Key for the Brickset API, check here

import { BricksetApiClient } from '@brakbricks/brickset-api';

const client = new BricksetApiClient('your-super-secret-api-key');

//Get a single set by set
const [set] = await client.getSets({
setNumber: '42172-1'

const instructions = await client.getInstructionsBySetNumber('42172-1');

See https://brakbricks.github.io/brickset-api/

See https://github.com/brakbricks/brickset-api/issues